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The 3 Top Benefits Associated With Drinking Turmeric Tea

The 3 Top Benefits Associated With Drinking Turmeric Tea

I’d be willing to bet the W in Wiggy most of you reading this knew that drinking turmeric tea was one of the best ways to get the maximum benefit from turmeric. 

One of the main issues with getting the most out of turmeric is curcumin, the compound in turmeric that helps boost health, is not extremely bio-available in the raw form.

Meaning your body has a hard time absorbing it.

Turmeric tea is great because it helps break down raw turmeric which helps make curcumin a little easier to absorb. 

This is also why turmeric supplements exist. Turmeric supplements help to extract curcumin from turmeric so you get a high-strength concentration of this compound in a small capsule. 

When it comes to turmeric tea, you have a few options. You can buy turmeric tea - companies like Numi, Traditional Medicinals, and more, make it.

You can make it from grated root or supplemental powder. I’ll show you the recipe I like, after I cover the benefits below.

Or you can break a concentrated capsule apart and make tea from that (this is my preferred method for maximum benefits).

Without further ado, let me show you why you want to make turmeric tea.


1 - Turmeric May Improve Heart Health 

The leading health problem that eventually leads to death has to do with heart health. 

Fortunately some of the most serious conditions having to do with heart health may be helped or even prevented by turmeric.

In a 2012 study, researchers gave 4g of curcumin to patients who were about to undergo a major heart surgery.

For 3 days before the surgery and 5 days after, the patients received curcumin. At the end of the 8 days total of curcumin administration, the researchers concluded curcumin takers were 17% less likely to deal with major complications related to the surgery. 

And in a study published in the journal Nutrition Research in 2012, researchers discovered that curcumin helps improve the function of postmenopausal women’s cardiovascular systems.

As GreenMed Info writes“Subjects in the curcumin group received 150 mg turmeric extract per day, for 8 weeks, supplying 25 mg of colloidally dispersed nanoparticle curcumin. Their diet and exercise habits were unchanged during the study period.

Subjects in the exercise group underwent aerobic exercise training more than 3 days per week (2-3 supervised sessions and additional home-based training). Over the course of the 8 week exercise program involving cycling and walking, they engaged in between 30-60 minute long sessions, ranging in intensity from 60% of their individually determined maximal heart rate in the initial phase of the trial, to 70-75% maximal heart rate in the latter half.

After eight weeks of intervention, flow-mediated dilation increased significantly in both curcumin and exercise groups, compared to the control.  The researchers concluded:

The present study showed that regular ingestion of curcumin or regular aerobic exercise training significantly improved endothelial function. The magnitude of improvement in endothelial function to the same extent, suggesting that curcumin may prevent the age-associated decline in endothelial function in postmenopausal women."


2 - Turmeric May Prevent Severe Brain Decay 

One of the reasons turmeric gets so much attention is because it possesses well known anti-inflammatory properties.

Inflammation is linked to some of the most severe and debilitating conditions physicians battle daily.

One of the worst things inflammation has been shown to do is to lead to extensive damage to sensitive tissues in the brain. This damage has been linked to conditions that affect memory, restrict motor control, cloud thinking, and impair brain function, to name a few.

Turmeric (specifically curcumin) has been shown to be one of the most powerful brain protectants on the planet.

Consider this.

One of the leading causes behind debilitating brain conditions are when the brain is “gummed up” by the formation of a substance known as amyloid plaques.

These plaques form inside the brain, made from a protein fragment called beta-amyloid . The more you have in the brain, the worse your brain becomes and the more likely a slow descent into forgetfulness, cognitive impairment, and a total detachment from reality become.

Thus, it makes sense that we would do all we can to stop and reverse amyloid plaque build up.

Several studies indicate turmeric (specifically curcumin) does do just this.

Research in mice suggests curcumin may decrease beta-amyloid and other markers for diminished brain function.

 And a study published in the journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy, back in September 2014, reported turmeric may even help heal a damaged brain, as it was shown to regenerate neural stem cells. This finding leads us to believe it may not just offer protective qualities, it might even help reverse damage to the brain, helping restore function and vitality.


3 - It May Help Increase Insulin Sensitivity

One of the quickest ways to improve your health, feel more energized, lose weight, and reduce the risk of developing catastrophic health conditions is to become more insulin sensitive.

When your body is more insulin sensitive, it takes means your body uses less blood sugar with greater effectiveness. The less sensitive you are, the harder it is to maintain blood sugar and the worse your health becomes.

Fortunately, we have a few studies showing how well curcumin may work to help you become more insulin sensitive. 

In a 2009 study conducted by Auburn University, researchers discovered curcumin was 400 times more effective at activating AMPK (known to improve insulin sensitivity) than one of the leading conventional treatments most doctors recommend.

400 times more effective - and 100% side-effect free (unlike the conventional treatment).

In another study of 240 adults, researchers gave one half of the group 250 milligrams of curcumin and other half got a placebo every day. 

After nine months, NONE of those taking curcumin had their insulin sensitivity decrease to the point where they developed a potentially life-threatening condition, whereas 16.4% of the placebo group did. 

In other words, the curcumin was 100% effective at helping prevent the onset of a condition that strikes millions every year and costs billions in treatment.


Now That You See What It Does, Ready To Make Some Tea?

What I just wrote about is just a small sampling of the health-transforming power of turmeric (curcumin).

Now it’s time to see how to make some tea.

 - Bring four cups of water to a boil.
 -  Add one teaspoon of ground turmeric or one teaspoon of grated turmeric and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes. 
 -  Strain the tea through a fine sieve into a cup; add honey and/or lemon to taste.
 -  Add a pinch of black pepper to increase absorption (black pepper contains piperine which helps facilitate better absorption).

If you want, you can add grated or powdered ginger to change the taste and up the antioxidant power. 

You can get turmeric root at most grocery stores.

You don’t need much, and thank goodness, because it usually rings up at $10 a pound. 

If you want to go the supplement route, we have an amazing blend here at Health As It Ought To Be

This supplement has a concentrated and therapeutic dose of curcumin not available by eating turmeric alone.

Containing one of the highest amounts of curcumin available in a supplement, it's much more affordable than competing brands.

PLUS, it's completely free of any fillers and won't cause problems for anyone with allergies.

 Click here or on the image below to get your own today!




Talk soon,

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