How Turmeric Can Help With a Cough
Have you ever gotten sick with a cold and hacked your throat raw? And then, long after your cold has left, you find you can’t stop coughing? Chances are you said “yes,” which is why we wanted to tell you...
Have you ever gotten sick with a cold and hacked your throat raw? And then, long after your cold has left, you find you can’t stop coughing? Chances are you said “yes,” which is why we wanted to tell you...
You know what’s a pain in the neck? A pain, in the neck. Well, pain anywhere in the body is never fun to deal with. Sadly, most of us know if we want to numb pain it’s generally pretty easy...
BDNF. A 4-letter acronym for one of the most important genes in the human body. BDNF stands for brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Harvard psychiatrist John Ratey describes brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a compound that is like “miracle-grow for your brain”. And...
As many of you know, one of the main reasons patients come to me now is because they’re looking for safe, natural options to help to improve their blood sugar. People are getting the message. Doing all you can to keep your...
Everyone's talking about turmeric. The doctors on television are talking about it, the health blogs are talking about it, the people in the health food stores are talking about it...heck, even the President is talking about it. Wait, that's not true...
In this article I’d like to take a second to talk about plant-based foods. In particular, I’d like to talk about a specific form of plant-based nutrient that come from plant-base known as “phytonutrients.” As many of my younger patients...
I’d be willing to bet the W in Wiggy most of you reading this knew that drinking turmeric tea was one of the best ways to get the maximum benefit from turmeric. One of the main issues with getting the...
I'm not the kind of doctor who likes to dig too deep into the conspiracies surrounding the pharmaceutical industry.I believe the pharmaceutical industry has done some great things for humanity. I also believe that many of them have controlling interests who...
Everyone's talking about turmeric.The doctors on television are talking about it, the health blogs are talking about it, the people in the health food stores are talking about it...heck, even the President is talking about it.Wait, that's not true -...