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Seriously Great Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip On Magnesium

Seriously Great Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip On Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the top things I write about.


Because it’s essential… because it’s used in 300 different enzymatic processes throughout the body, and because most people (80% of Americans) simply don’t get enough of it in their diet.

The deficiency isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault. Depleted food nutrient content is one of the top reasons for this problem. It used to be the case the food we ate had high-levels of magnesium.

Now, the soil we grow our food in is lower in magnesium than it used to be, so the magnesium levels we need simply aren’t coming to us the way they should be.

So now that I’ve said that, you’re probably still wondering how important magnesium really is for your health.

Well, let me illustrate how important magnesium is by showing you 3 of the biggest areas of health magnesium affects.

3 Important Areas Of Health Magnesium Affects

1 - Your Sleep Depends On Magnesium:

Raise your hand if you enjoy sleep.

Raise it even higher if you hate it when you can’t sleep well.

Well, if you want to ensure your sleep patterns are restful and restorative then an adequate intake of magnesium is going to be essential for you. This is because magnesium is an elemental nutrient in sleep cycles.

There isn’t just one thing that magnesium does to prepare your body for sleep. It actually does several.

For instance, one of the first things magnesium does is relax your muscles and release tension that’s stored up in them throughout the day. Your body requires a deep state of relaxation in order to fall asleep and stay asleep and healthy magnesium levels facilitate the release of tension and stress in the body that’ll allow you to sleep soundly.

In addition to relaxing the body magnesium also plays a role in relaxing the mind.

Excitability in the mind is caused by the circulation of neurotransmitters.

These neurotransmitters are essential for thought, memory formation, and cognition. However, if you’re going to fall asleep your mind needs to be quiet and your neurotransmitter levels need to be dampened.

Magnesium does this by helping your mind calm itself down and regulating how often (and how many) neurotransmitters are firing at any given time.  

In addition to that, magnesium plays a vital role in the establishment of circadian rhythms that keep your sleep cycle consistent.

If magnesium levels are inconsistent you may experience temporary bouts of sleeplessness that render you tired and exhausted. Magnesium intake helps to normalize circadian rhythms so you can return to a state of consistent sleep.

2 - A Healthy Heart Needs Magnesium

Magnesium has a direct affect on how your heart beats. It’s the main mineral controlling how your heart contracts and releases (the beat of your heart is the visual or auditory observation of your heart contracting and releasing).

So, if magnesium levels are low it may lead to temporary inconsistencies in your heartbeat.

Thus, maintaining optimal magnesium intake is a prerequisite for a healthy heart.

Another thing magnesium does is works in conjunction with calcium to help build strong bones and teeth. If you don’t get enough magnesium in your diet it may lead to an imbalance in calcium levels, and too much calcium has deleterious (that’s a fun word to use) effects on normal heart health.

Recent research published in 2016 indicated that if you get enough calcium in your diet but not enough magnesium in your diet it could increase the biological age of your arteries.

Fortunately, restoring magnesium levels to the correct levels will rejuvenate arterial age and help your heart continue firing on all 4 cylinders (there’s an opportunity for a heart joke there that I’m going to leave alone).

3 - Magnesium Is Essential for A Healthy Gut

Your gut, the bacteria living inside of it, as well as the way food moves through it, all play a pivotal role in maintaining a normal, healthful state.

I’d say that keeping your gut healthy is easily one of the top 3 things you could do to keep yourself healthy for a long time.

If you find yourself experiencing periods of poor health; whether that’s gastrointestinal discomfort, brain fog, seasonal allergies and even temporary fatigue there’s a chance this is because your gut health is off.

Fortunately an easily corrected deficiency in magnesium could be to blame.

The truth is many of these periodic health problems could be caused by your body not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet.

Low-levels of magnesium could be to blame as magnesium is needed to properly break down and extract nutrients from your food.

The online journal Algaecal writes:

“Without magnesium, your body can’t perform the “mechanics” of digestion, make hydrochloric acid (stomach acid), make digesting enzymes for carbs, proteins and fats, and repair and protect your digestive organs (esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, colon).

As soon as you put food into your mouth, magnesium comes into play.

It helps to make enzymes in your saliva that break food down into smaller parts, helping the entire digestive process. The hormones that tell your stomach to produce digestive acid need magnesium to be made; without it, you can’t digest food.

After your stomach, food goes into your intestines, where more enzymes made by the pancreas break it down small enough to be absorbed as nutrients. The pancreas must have magnesium to make these vital enzymes.”

In addition to helping with the breakdown of food, magnesium is also needed for the proper elimination of food. Magnesium helps to relax muscles and also increase water absorption in the gut so you can eliminate waste.

If you get blocked up for a couple days the toxins present in your stool can adversely affect your health and leave you feeling sick until they’re expelled.

That’s why for the relief of temporary constipation you’ll see a lot of people taking magnesium supplements as a quick fix.

That’s great, as the relief provided by these supplements is simply correcting an imbalance of magnesium. However, if you’re never deficient in the first place then your digestive system is unlikely to encounter blockages like this to begin with.

Here’s My Magnesium Recommendation

When it comes to taking magnesium, I recommend magnesium malate because it absorbs better and is the most cost effective form for supplementation.

Our brand of magnesium has a unique chelated formula resulting in higher bioavailability.

Chelation is a superior process that binds amino acid proteins to the magnesium, which is what you want, since the human body just happens to be really good at absorbing amino acids.   

Malic acid (malate) is naturally found in fruits and vegetables and has the additional benefit of supporting ATP production and cellular energy.   

In spite of chelation being a costly process, our magnesium is more economical than similar dosages and strengths found on the internet. You get double the benefits — clean cellular energy and bone health in one product.  

And, as always, you can rely on our purity and quality.

Click here now to order.

Then relax. (Magnesium can help with this too, but that’s for another time.) Tell your body magnesium aid is on the way.



Talk soon,

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