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5 Easy Ways to Guarantee You Eat Enough Vegetables

5 Easy Ways to Guarantee You Eat Enough Vegetables

Hey, Dr. Wiggy here.

As many of you know, vegetables are one of those foods you know you should eat more of… but chocolate just tastes so much better.

I get it, finding a way to eat more vegetables throughout the day isn’t exactly easy.

This is especially true if you’re on a ketogenic diet and are trying to reduce your total carb intake  - and thus are forced to be picky about what you eat.

Fortunately, as the parent to 2 boys, I know how to cajole children and adults into eating a few more veggies.

The good news is these techniques don’t just improve your health, they also improve the taste and profile of your cuisine.

Vegetables serve as the base of many of the best-tasting dishes on the planet, which means if you follow some of the following tips you’re going to be thankful simply because your tongue is going to be delighted by your choices to incorporate more vegetables into your diet.

Without further ado, let’s get into creative ways to make your vegetable intake go up these next few months.

5 Simple Ways to Boost Vegetable Intake Overnight

What I’m going to show you in regards to increasing vegetable intake is simple, yes.

But, it may require using a few tools around the kitchen.

If that seems like too much effort, my other suggestion is to hire a professional chef. 

But, I’d imagine most of you can’t do that.

Sure would be nice though, wouldn’t it?

All of these recommendations could easily become a habit over time, as they are just variations of things you already do. 

For starters, many of you likely eat eggs… but are you adding veggies to them?

1 - Load up on Veggie Based Omelets:

Eggs are an awesome food to use for increasing vegetable intake.

For one, when you’re cooking up an omelet, the consistency of eggs causes vegetables to bind to the egg white/yolk, so that every single bite carries vegetables with it.

Secondly, the fat of egg yolk adds a fair bit of flavor that enhances vegetable flavor.

The two ingredients go hand in hand.

If you want some nutrient-dense recipes here’s a few that you could try (taken from

If you’re at a loss as to which ingredients to include, consider the following vegetables added to omelets:

  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes 
  • Cilantro
  • Green Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Peppers
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus

Any of these would be good lightly steamed before throwing into a hot pan, and will offer a nice crunch, as well as intricate flavor too.

2 - Vegetable Kebabs:

We Americans, we love our grills. But, far too often we use our grills just for meat when the coals and the gas jets are begging to roast a zucchini or some peppers.

The fact of the matter is a little olive oil brushed over some vegetables and then placed on a grill producing medium heat is one of the greatest ways to get some flavorful vegetables into your diet.

The kiss of smoke and heat alters the flavor of many vegetables and transforms them from boring old food into sublime dinner partners.

Sorry, trying my hand at writing for Bon Appetit.

With little more than a wooden spit and some oil, salt and pepper you can take almost any vegetable on the planet and turn it up to 10. Once you’ve made your kebabs, either enjoy them on their own with oil and vinegar, or mixed in with a protein and some kind of fat.

3 - Put them in Smoothies:

I don’t recommend smoothies all that often. Primarily because the way most people make smoothies they’re little more than sugar bombs.

However, if you can build a smoothie with healthy ingredients that are low in sugar and carbs, and still incorporate ingredients that taste good, you can get away with adding a few vegetables in there and get the health benefits you so badly want to see.

A green smoothie mixed with coconut yogurt, raspberries, raw eggs (shell washed) and spinach could do wonders for your health.

Think about how healthy this could be.

A cup of spinach, around 25 grams, has the daily value (DV) of vitamin K as well as half the DV of vitamin A.

4 - Stuffed Bell Peppers:

This is a really good way to get peppers in your diet and create an entire meal out of it.

The meals are simple. Simply halve a bell pepper and then fill with meat, cheese, onions, and other veggies like tomatoes, mushrooms, etc, and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Everything melts together and renders into a wonderful bowl full of goodness that you can chow down on as an entire meal.

Here are some stuffed Bell Pepper recipes, more recipes, and another.

5 - Rice Replacement (Cauliflower Rice)

You may have heard of cauliflower rice before.

It’s really easy to make, and it tastes awesome. All you do is chop up cauliflower and then put it into a food processor and pulse until it looks like a small granule of rice.

You can use it to bulk up other foods and even use the rice to make cauliflower pizza crusts.

Best of all is when compared to white rice, it’s got 1/10th the amount of carbs. 1 cup has 5 grams of carbs, and a cup of rice has 53 grams of carbs.

Plus, it’s high in vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and potassium.

By the way, cauliflower isn’t the only veggie to “rice”. You can also “rice” other vegetables like broccoli, beets, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes and more.



Talk soon,

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