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  • Load Up On This Vegetable This Spring
    April 3, 2017

    Load Up On This Vegetable This Spring

    It sure was a weird winter this year, wasn’t it? My readers in the Western portion of the United States noticed that not a whole lot of snow fell this year (making them wonder if they even had a winter)....

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  • How Nature's Broom Might Stop Cancer
    March 22, 2017

    How Nature's Broom Might Stop Cancer

    “Nature’s Broom.” Ever heard of it? Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of’ve probably even eaten it this week.  “Nature’s Broom” is broccoli. And the only reason I refer to it that way is because I once heard someone call...

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  • This Eating Habit Might Lower Risk of Memory Loss
    March 1, 2017

    This Eating Habit Might Lower Risk of Memory Loss

    It's so important you remember that food is medicine. Every year, millions of people become dependent on pharmaceuticals to help treat their conditions; and many times, these conditions wouldn't even be there if they'd have just laid off the McDonald's and...

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  • Should You Really Be Buying Vitamin C?
    September 3, 2016

    Should You Really Be Buying Vitamin C?

    I wanted to take a few moments to talk to y'all about one of the most well-known vitamins on the planet. Good ol' vitamin C.My guess is every single person reading this has some vitamin C in their house right...

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  • The Unbelievable Benefits of Red Cabbage
    July 15, 2016

    The Unbelievable Benefits of Red Cabbage

    I'm just going to come out and say it...I love summer.Truth is I love all the seasons, but summer is awesome because it's the time of year when farms are bringing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to the table, and...

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