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Vitamin C Does What?!?

Vitamin C Does What?!?

You may think that vitamin C is the vitamin for colds. But researchers are finding that vitamin C can also help with off-the-charts stress levels.

When you get stressed your body releases the primary stress hormone "cortisol" from the adrenals...

Cortisol affects immune function, fat loss, insulin release and inflammation. Chronically high cortisol levels can cause brain fog, decrease muscle tissue, suppress thyroid function and increase belly fat.

Evidence indicates that vitamin C taken in the right dosage is a "stress buster". Vitamin C works to reduce stress because it allows the body to quickly clear out cortisol and it's harmful effects on your body!

Although helpful in a fight or flight scenario, regularly elevated levels of cortisol in your body suppress normal functioning of the digestive system, reproductive system, and growth processes.

Vitamin C helps cortisol and blood pressure from spiking in response to stressful situations

Unfortunately our bodies do not produce Vitamin C... so you either have to get it from your food or tap into this healing through supplementation

Not all vitamin C supplements are created equal, though.

You’ll need to take a high-quality, high-bioavailability product. Otherwise, most of the ascorbic acid will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (this is the case with the vast majority of vitamin C products, and is the reason many do not get the benefits of vitamins).

For this reason, Vital C-LD is the way to go: it’s the only route of administration that’s as absorbable as intravenous injections, and it’s much cheaper, more convenient, and less invasive.

One of the Best Vitamin C’s around is Sovereign Laboratories Vital C-LD.

This is the highest-potency vitamin C available on the market, and unlike other products, it's delicious!

The most potent oral Vitamin C you can buy.

Talk soon,

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