Magnesium Is Great For Calming Kids
We’re on a mission here at Health As it Ought To Be. To make your life better using all-natural products that are safe as well as scientifically supported to help you feel better. One of the best ways we know...
We’re on a mission here at Health As it Ought To Be. To make your life better using all-natural products that are safe as well as scientifically supported to help you feel better. One of the best ways we know...
Hey, we wanted to check and see if you’ve seen this… It has to do with a really special product that Dr.Wiggy and his wife Emily made for kids. You see, in an effort to protect our children (theirs and...
Kids can get pretty dirty. They have a raw magnetism for grime. Let’s not pretend that a dirty kid is a bad kid. In fact, there are studies that show it’s actually beneficial for children to play outside and get...
Kids are awesome. Their carefree attitudes about life, and insatiable curiosity about anything and everything make them an absolute joy to be around. That being said… There are times when it is anything but an absolute joy to be around...
If you’re a parent or grandparent, then you know what it’s like to jokingly wish you could give your hyper child some benadryl to take their energy levels down a notch. Childrens’ exuberance is certainly a gift, but it can...
Children aren’t known to be the most adventurous eaters. Who can blame them? Once they’ve had a taste of a sugary, sweet treat (like a fruit bar, or apple sauce), why would they want to eat something like kale? Because...