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Some Unfortunate News about Vitamin D Supplements

Some Unfortunate News about Vitamin D Supplements

In the next few seconds, you’re going to discover something about vitamin D that might upset you.

That being said, if you’ve already been following my advice about supplementing with a nutrient, which 80% of Americans are deficient in, then this news won’t be bad news. 

In fact, it’ll be just plain old news to you. 

Now I’d be willing to bet dollars to donuts (gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free donuts) you’ve heard that if you want to experience great health, you need vitamin D. Vitamin D-3 to be exact. 

I can’t think of a medical professional who doesn’t recommend vitamin D-3. 

And there’s plenty of great reasons for that. Vitamin D-3 has been shown to improve heart health, increase immunity, improve brain function and much, much more.  

But one of the top reasons that people take vitamin D-3 is to improve heart and bone health. 

Unfortunately, what most people don’t know (including most physicians) is that failing to take one simple additional ingredient (a nutrient I recommend all the time) with your vitamin may actually put you on a road to less than optimal health.  

Let me show you what that nutrient is and why it’s so important to take with vitamin D-3

Without This Nutrient, Vitamin D-3 Is Essentially Worthless

If you want to strengthen your bones and protect your heart, you absolutely must get enough magnesium in your diet.


The reason is quite simple. Magnesium is required for your body to metabolize vitamin D-3. 

Here’s a car analogy. If you have a brand new car, right off the lot, with a tank full of gas and everything in perfect condition, you’d figure your car is good to go. 

But if you don’t have a key, it doesn’t matter how much gas you have, how perfectly put together your car is, the thing simply won’t go.  

Magnesium is a major key to your body working well. In fact, for over 300 biological processes to go right, it’s essential. 

And roughly 80% of Americans don’t get enough magnesium. 

When it comes to getting the best mileage out of your vitamin D - just like a full tank of gas in your car - you’ve got to get adequate levels of magnesium in your body.  

In a recent article in the Journal of American Osteopathic Association (JAOA), researchers found that vitamin D cannot be metabolized with insufficient magnesium levels. As they noted, without magnesium available, vitamin D consumed cannot be converted into its active form — making it unusable. 

“People are taking vitamin D supplements but don’t realize how it gets metabolized. Without magnesium, vitamin D is not really useful or safe, says study co-author Mohammed S. Razzaque, a professor of pathology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Pennsylvania.   

Yes, you read correctly. Vitamin D-3 without magnesium may be dangerous… 

The reason vitamin D-3 could be dangerous? 

It can lead to increased calcium and phosphate levels. Elevated calcium levels can lead to calcium being deposited in the soft tissues of the body, including the arteries. This is not good news for either your organs or your bones. 

If you’ve read my special report on calcium, you’ll know that vascular calcification is like leaving “concrete” in your blood vessels. 

Even crazier? They also found that vitamin D supplements did not remedy any vitamin D deficiency. Meaning if you take vitamin D-3 without magnesium you’re basically wasting your money. 

Here’s Exactly Why Magnesium Is So Important

Magnesium is the 4th most common element in the body and plays an essential role in over 300 different bodily functions, activating more than 600 enzymes.

Most people mistakenly assume that bones are 100% calcium.   

They aren’t.   

They are a living substance composed of blood vessels, nerves, and cells, requiring several essential nutrients, including magnesium. 

Estimates show that 50-60% of the magnesium in your body goes to your bones. It’s that important for bone health.  

We’ve known this for a while, too.  

As far back as 1993, a study of 32 postmenopausal women determined that supplementation of 250-750 mg of magnesium per day resulted in [bone] mineral density increases of 1 - 8% for three-fourths of the participants. That’s a significant improvement. 

According to the National Office of Dietary Supplements, reporting on magnesium, “Research has found that women with weak bones have lower serum magnesium levels…these and other findings indicate that magnesium deficiency might be a risk factor for weak and brittle bones and later fractures.”  

And the recent JAOA study we’ve been talking about supports the finding that magnesium is crucial for bone health, stating: “Consuming the RDA of magnesium may be more effective in preventing bone thinning than vitamin D…” 

You NEED Magnesium!
And Here’s Why Getting It From Food Sources Won’t Work

Because modern farming methods have changed soil quality, plants don’t contain nearly as much magnesium as they once did.

A 2007 JAOA article says, “… it is estimated that the magnesium content in various fruits and vegetables is declining, ranging from 25% to 80%, compared with the levels before 1950.”  

Even “organic” produce may be low in magnesium depending on fertilizer choice and care of soil. 

Plus, cooking can further reduce available nutrients by an additional 60-70%. 

And, obviously, increased consumption of processed fast foods with a reduced magnesium profile, also contributes to magnesium deficiencies.    

Estimates indicate food sources, overall, may provide only 50% of the recommended magnesium.   

Adding to that “…regular strenuous exercise can induce magnesium loss through urine and sweat” and we are likely to remain a magnesium deficient population unless we supplement. 

Now, Let Me Show You the Best Place To Get Magnesium

If you’ve gone looking for magnesium, you already know that it can be very confusing. There are so many manufacturers, different types of magnesium, and various dosages — that you might end up getting none of them

So let me make things easier. I recommend: 

Health As It Ought To Be
Chelated Magnesium Malate

We’ve gone through all the options for you and our formulation of magnesium offers you amazing benefits.

Why It’s Superior

Our brand of magnesium has a unique chelated formula resulting in higher bioavailability.

Chelation is a superior process that binds amino acid proteins to the magnesium, which is what you want, since the human body just happens to be really good at absorbing amino acids.   

Malic acid (malate) is naturally found in fruits and vegetables and has the additional benefit of supporting ATP production and cellular energy.   

In spite of chelation being a costly process, our magnesium is more economical than similar dosages and strengths found on the internet. You get double the benefits — clean cellular energy and bone health in one product.  

And, as always, you can rely on our purity and quality

Click here now to order.

Then relax. (Magnesium can help with this too, but that’s for another time.) Tell your body magnesium aid is on the way. 



Talk soon,

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