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New Drug Makes Bones Stronger but Doesn’t Keep Them Safer

New Drug Makes Bones Stronger but Doesn’t Keep Them Safer

A new pharmaceutical drug called Reclast has been shown to make the bones of frail, older women stronger.

But, the studies were also able to show that even though the women’s bones were stronger, they were still fracturing at the same rate.

Dr. Susan Greenspan who was the author of the study and professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh said they stumbled upon two findings.

“We first wanted to see if frail elders could even tolerate such treatment, and whether it would improve bone density. However, we had expected to see a positive trend of fewer fractures. But, if anything, there were more fractures in the treatment group,” Greenspan said, although “that could well be just a chance finding.”

She noted the drug was able to strengthen bones in both those of the very old as well as younger seniors.

But Greenspan is still hopeful the drug can help reduce fractures, saying the study was too small to draw any firm conclusions from.

Steven Reinberg writing for HealthDay Reporter noted

If a larger trial found that treatment with Reclast did reduce fractures, it would require rethinking the approach to fracture prevention in this large and growing population, especially since these are the individuals who also are at the highest risk of both fracture and its consequences,’ Greenspan explained.

The study was published on April 13 in JAMA.

A researcher by the name of Dr. Robert Lindsay, who is chief of the Osteoporosis Center at Helen Hayes Hospital in West Haverstraw, N.Y., said part of the reason it might not have reduced the number of fractures is because the study subjects are predisposed to falling at greater rates.

Even if bone density was heightened, it might not counteract the seriousness of the falls they take.

Lindsay wrote, “Both risks are high in this population. The study tells us that treating one side of the equation, bad bones, can only do so much when the risk of injury is high, because the patients studied were quite frail.”

One thing we do know is much of the research on osteoporosis ignores one common factor.

The lack of Vitamin K-2 in the diet.

It is known when Vitamin K-2 is included in diet, it works synergistically with the body to help strengthen bones.

Vitamin K-2 activates several process in the body which cause calcium to be drawn into the bones and teeth, where it’s then able to strengthen them from the inside out.

100% drug free.

Unique among Vitamin K2 is a 100% soy-free version produced by Integrative Specialists from Robinhood Integrative Health.

It is one of the only to be produced without the presences of the potential allergen.


Talk soon,



Dr. Wiggy



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