Arizona Natural EDTA Oral Chelation 600 mg - 100 Capsules
EDTA (Calcium disodium) is a proven chelating agent that can bind and render inactive certain trace minerals. Because of its ability to grab and remove unwanted metals, it is has been used to treat acute lead poisoning for several decades.
EDTA has long been used in a process called chelation therapy to remove unwanted metals and trace minerals from the circulatory system. Intravenous chelation therapy administers the EDTA directly into the bloodstream in an effort to reduce atherosclerotic plaque and eliminate it through the urinary tract. Specifically, it is believed to remove the calcium and other minerals that promote plaque formation. When plaque builds up in blood vessels, blood flow is restricted to all the body’s organs, including the heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing more than 2,600 Americans each day. It is estimated that over 61 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease, which includes high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and congestive heart failure. Other organs, including the brain, kidney, and lungs can also be affected by plaque buildup and atherosclerosis because the flow of oxygen and essential nutrients is restricted.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), both components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), are sponsoring the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). TACT is their 2nd large-scale, multi-center study to assess the safety and effectiveness of EDTA chelation therapy for individuals with coronary artery disease. Oral chelation therapy with Arizona Natural EDTA is a great alternative to intravenous chelation therapy, using the same type of EDTA as intravenous therapy practitioners (calcium disodium). It is also much more cost effective and does not involve weekly appointments at an office.
Oral Chelation Therapy Recommendations: Take EDTA at least 2 hours apart from any meals or supplements. This is because it chelates indiscriminately, meaning if there are other minerals in the system it will bind to those before reaching the desired area. 2-3 capsules a day for 10 days = 1 intravenous session (approx). Replenish depleted minerals by adding a multivitamin and mineral supplement. Over time, certain mineral levels may become low during chelation therapy, taking a one-a-day multi will help keep those mineral levels stable. It should be taken in cycles, 6 weeks on then 2 weeks off. For the same reason we suggest the multi, cycling will allow the body time to recover naturally.
Please see the Supplement Facts tab for a full listing of the Ingredients in this product. In summary, it contains: Calcium Disodium EDTA.
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