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Why You Should Eat More Organs

Why You Should Eat More Organs

Organ meat is NOT all the rage right now.

There may be a slight increase in fascination with organ meats thanks to social media trends, but organ meats are not replacing many of the popular foods you see on people’s dinner tables.

I wish it were because, as you may (or may not know), organs are some of the healthiest parts of animals you could eat.

Why exactly?

I’ll get into that in a moment.

Before I do, though, I’m going to say if you’ve at all thought about eating organ meats but can’t stomach eating stomach (or tripe in Mexican cuisines), liver, kidneys, and the like, then be aware there are products you can get that offer organ meats to you in a desiccated form.

Desiccated organ meats concentrate all those nutrients in a capsule thanks to being dried and dehydrated and then ground up into an encapsulated for easier consumption.

One of the best products I know of for this is from Dr. Josh Axe’s company, Ancient Nutrition

Their Organ Blend contains heart, liver, and kidney, some of the best organ meats to consume.

I love this product and have to say most people who take it report that they can “feel the difference the organ blend makes.”

Why this Blend Is So Great

Ancient Nutrition’s blend is amazing because it contains some of the easiest-to-blend organs into a capsule.

These organ meats are packed with nutrients, too.

1 - Liver:

The liver is an incredibly nutrient-rich organ, offering a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals. Although its distinct taste is often off-putting, with many describing it as having a potent "irony" flavor, numerous online recipes can help transform it into a delicious dish. With a bit of culinary creativity and reading recipe reviews to find the most palatable options, liver can become an enjoyable part of your diet.

This organ meat is an excellent source of vitamin A, crucial for maintaining good vision, promoting healthy skin, and supporting immune function. It is also rich in vitamin B12, which plays a key role in neurological health and blood formation and is high in folate, iron, copper, niacin, and zinc. In terms of overall health benefits, liver is one of the most valuable organ meats available, making it an indispensable component of a health-focused diet.

2 - Heart:

Heart meat, sourced from various animals, offers nutritional benefits and tastes great when prepared correctly.

It is a superb source of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is essential for cellular energy production and acts as an antioxidant that supports cardiovascular health.

The heart also boasts a rich supply of B vitamins, iron, and selenium, all of which contribute to maintaining energy levels, enhancing stamina, and promoting the proper functioning of the heart. Enjoyed regularly, heart meat can be integral to a diet focused on sustaining energy and supporting cardiac wellness.

3 - Kidneys:

Kidneys are a fantastic source of selenium, a mineral crucial in supporting antioxidant activity and boosting the immune system. They are abundant in vitamins B12 and riboflavin, essential for efficient energy metabolism and maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Incorporating kidney meat into your diet can significantly enhance metabolic health and overall vitality. However, it's worth acknowledging that kidneys have a distinctive taste that some may find challenging to consume. A popular method to make them more palatable is to blend them with ground beef, allowing one to enjoy their health benefits without compromising taste.


Talk soon,

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