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Weird, Really Weird

Weird, Really Weird

You might think what we’re about to tell you is weird, really weird.

We think you should take a “smelly horse” today.

You read that correctly, in fact, everyone should take a “smelly horse”.

The reason why is we think you’ll appreciate how it makes you feel, which would be stress-free and full of clean energy…

However, since we’re not actually referring to a 4-legged animal, but one of nature’s most potent adaptogens, you’ll find the out-of-pocket costs really aren’t that bad.

Smelly Horses For Everyone: Here’s Why You Can’t Say No

So what’s behind the smelly horse story?

Ashwagandha grows natively across most of India. The ancient Indian civilizations who practiced Ayurvedic medicine believed that it could deliver longevity, virility, and potency for men and women who take it.

Thus, it was said to deliver "the strength of a stallion," but some translations of the ancient wording was “smell of a horse, or smelly horse”.

The good news is that ashwagandha doesn’t smell like a horse, it doesn’t make you smell like a horse, and there’s a catalog of research on this herb that shows it actually does help do what many people believed it would do.

Easily one of the best uses for ashwagandha is to help tone down how stress affects your body.

What exactly does it do?

Well, ashwagandha is an adaptogen, a class of plant-based “products” that help to offer your cells extra abilities to resist stress.

By taking an adaptogen your body’s physiological response to stress is muted, and that means you can handle stress better. That doesn’t mean it reduces stress… it just helps you “deal with it”.

This is certainly one of the reasons to consider taking it on a daily basis, and yet it’s not the only one…

Check out these 3 additional reasons to take it.

1 - It Can Help Balance Blood Sugar Levels:

Studies indicate that ashwagandha can help to keep blood sugar levels healthy. Which is always a great way to help maintain perfect health.

Studies are still forthcoming, but a study in vitro observed that ashwagandha can help to both increase insulin secretion and help the body respond to insulin better which may help to balance blood sugar.

2 - Can Balance Mood

One of the effects of dealing with stress in a better way is how it can help you literally feel better.

In a study of 64 stressed adults that lasted 2 months, scientists observed that when  they took 600 mg of high-concentration ashwagandha extract per day it helped lead to a dramatic reduction in better mood.

Even more interesting is the placebo group actually went in the opposite direction and people who took a placebo group reported a 10% increase in moodiness.

3 - May Help Support Normal Testosterone Levels:

There’s ample evidence that ashwagandha can help to keep mens’ testosterone levels healthy and even amplify them.

As Healthline writes: “Men who received ashwagandha for stress experienced higher antioxidant levels and better sperm quality. After 3 months of treatment, 14% of the men’s partners had become pregnant.”


Talk soon,

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