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Using Coconut For Kids’ Safety

Using Coconut For Kids’ Safety

Kids deserve the best from us. That’s why so many of us are endlessly devoted to helping improve the quality of our kids’ lives.

This past year, with the pandemic, has definitely made parents even more keenly aware of how much there is to keeping kids safe.

From masks, to social distancing, parents have done things they couldn’t have imagined several years ago to keep kids safe from all kinds of “bad bugs.”

Sadly, a lot of well-meaning parents end up doing things to harm their kids' health in their attempt to keep them safe.

What do we mean and what does this have to do with coconut oil?

It’s pretty simple. A ton, and we mean a ton of the products sold to parents to help keep their kids safe actually end up containing harmful ingredients that could make kids less healthy.

Many of these are in common hand sanitizers.

And it turns out you can get some of the benefits of hand sanitizers from good old coconut - which we’ve included in the Raise Them Well 3-Pack, Kid-Safe, Certified ToxicFree® Hand and Surface Sanitizer.

How Coconut Could Help Protect Our Immune System

The first thing we need to address is how the Raise Them Well Kid-Safe, Certified ToxicFree® Hand and Surface Sanitizer only has 3 ingredients.

Water, stabilized oxygen and Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate.

With only 3 ingredients you have to wonder how this hand sanitizer could be effective against germs?

Well, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate is an ingredient that we get from coconuts and it is absolutely great at helping to support your immune system.

So what is this ingredient and what does it do?

Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate is “a cleansing and foaming agent, but that is where the similarities end. Derived from sarcosine, an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body, sodium lauroyl sarcosinate is frequently heralded for being a thorough cleanser but also for being gentle. It works by attracting excess oil and dirt, then carefully removing the grime from the hair by emulsifying it so it rinses easily away with water.”

When we included this ingredient in our hand sanitizer we did so because we knew it could help little kids (and parents) get their whole hands covered.

This foaming action helps carry the stabilized oxygen to the nooks and crannies of the hands where it can kill germs and protect kids from getting sick.

And because it comes from coconut we know it to be safe for use by people of any age.

With the summer months right around the corner and the chances of your kids or grandkids increasing the times their hands get dirty, there's no better time to grab this 3-pack of hand sanitizer.

Follow this link to save


Talk soon,

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