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The Dangers of Glyphosate

The Dangers of Glyphosate

One of the things my readers and my patients know about me is that I insist that if you want to change your health, you start with food.

It’s probably the most important component of health because we get so many of the nutrients we need to live well from food.

If you want to sleep well, it starts with eating the right kinds of food.

Food is the biggest factor if you want to maintain a healthy weight.

And if you want to have a clear and healthy mind, eating well is going to be a major difference maker.

This is why I’m constantly telling people to be careful about eating fake foods filled with artificial ingredients, dyes, and the like.

It’s why I insist on feeding yourself with whole foods, like fruit and vegetables and nutrient-dense meat.

And, it’s why I want to warn people about the dangers of herbicides and pesticides on so many foods we eat.

The main one I want to focus on is glyphosate.

Glyphosate, which is the technical name for the herbicide Roundup®, is ubiquitous in America. It touches everything. You'd find it even if you moved to the middle of nowhere.

And it’s affecting us all, and in many cases, negatively.

So, today, I’m going to show you what glyphosate is and what it does for you, as well as give you some tips on how to protect yourself from this chemical.

Where Did Glyphosate Come From?

In 1950, a scientist named Henry Martin made glyphosate for the first time, unaware that it had the ability to kill weeds.

It wasn’t until the 1960s when Monsanto’s Dr. John E. Franz discovered glyphosate had the ability to control the growth of weeds.  By 1970, he figured out how it stopped plants from growing, which led to it being used as a weed killer.

In 1974, Monsanto began selling glyphosate under the trade name of Roundup®. At first, people used it in places like gardens and along train tracks. It became popular because it was so good at killing many different weeds.

Then, in the 1990s, as genetically modified crops came into production, Monsanto realized they could alter the genetic code of the crops to survive direct applications of Roundup®. This was a boon for farmers because they could use the weed killer on their fields without hurting their crops, increasing yields and helping them make more money.

As time went on and as more seeds were modified, glyphosate became even more popular in farming.

And here we are today, in a time where almost a majority of conventionally grown crops are treated with glyphosate.

So, why is that a problem?

I’m glad you asked.

The Health Dangers Of Glyphosate

I don’t believe that glyphosate was made with the intention of harming humans.

However, I don’t believe that we can say that because it came about to help humans flourish, that’s a good enough reason to ignore the potentially dangerous side effects.

1- Cancer Risk: 

The classification of glyphosate as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has been a critical point in the debate. This classification contrasts with the stances of other agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Food Safety Authority, which maintain that glyphosate is unlikely to pose a cancer risk.

The IARC's decision was based on evidence suggesting that glyphosate could cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma in humans, as well as convincing evidence that it can cause cancer in animals. Despite this, regulatory bodies in various countries have reached differing conclusions, highlighting the complexity and controversy surrounding glyphosate's potential carcinogenicity​​​​.

2 - Could Create Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage:

A study focusing on male farmers highlighted a correlation between higher concentrations of glyphosate in urine and increased levels of biomarkers indicative of oxidative damage to DNA and lipids.

This finding raises concerns about glyphosate's role in the development of hematologic malignancies, as oxidative stress is a known characteristic of carcinogens.

The study's emphasis on biomarkers provides a more nuanced understanding of glyphosate's potential carcinogenic mechanisms​​.

3 - Metabolic Disorders and Liver Health:

One of the things I believe is causing so many metabolic issues is the presence of herbicides (and pesticides) in food.

Emerging research, such as the study conducted by the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, has found links between childhood exposure to glyphosate and increased risks of liver inflammation and metabolic disorders in early adulthood.

These conditions can lead to serious diseases, including liver cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, later in life. The study's focus on the long-term health implications of early-life exposure to glyphosate highlights the need for a broader evaluation of its safety profile​​.

4 - Toxic to Human Cells:

Laboratory studies on human cells have shown varying toxic effects of glyphosate.

These effects depend on numerous factors, such as the type of cell, the glyphosate formulation's chemical composition, and the exposure duration and magnitude.

While these in vitro studies provide valuable insights into the cellular mechanisms by which glyphosate may cause harm, they do not yet offer conclusive evidence about its impact on human health at typical exposure levels.

This is why until that gap in knowledge is closed, I think it’s better to avoid glyphosate on principle as opposed to accepting the risk.

There’s a lot more to talk about when it comes to what glyphosate can do to us and the environment, and I’d encourage you to do your own research on this.

But I also want to arm you with information you can use that will help you protect yourself from purposeful or accidental ingestion.

How to Protect Yourself From Glyphosate:

There are various natural substances, each with specific detoxifying properties, that you can take to help purge glyphosate from your body.

Of course, eating organic and free-range is the best bet, but it’s not always doable, and even then, some of those foods are tainted with trace amounts.

Below are a few things you can take:

Citrus Pectin: This soluble fiber is known for its capacity to detoxify heavy metals and help manage cholesterol levels due to its strong binding abilities.

Alginates (from Kelp): Extracted from kelp, alginates are recognized for their protective properties against pesticide toxicity and their efficiency in eliminating heavy metals and other toxins.

Glycine: This amino acid is crucial for synthesizing glutathione, a significant detoxifier and antioxidant that defends the liver against toxicity. The body can sometimes confuse glyphosate with glycine during protein synthesis, leading to the storage of toxic glyphosate in tissues and organs. Supplementing with additional glycine can help prevent this misidentification, bolster glutathione activity, and support healthy protein production. Glycine is abundant in collagen, bone broth, and various foods like legumes, meats, dairy, poultry, eggs, and fish. Some fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage, kale, bananas, and cauliflower, are also sources of glycine.

Ginkgo Biloba: This ancient herb is recognized for its potent protective effects against glyphosate toxicity.

Organic Iceland Kelp: Known for its high mineral content, including iodine, which helps prevent the absorption of radioactive ions and toxic pesticides.

Probiotics and Prebiotics: These are essential for replenishing beneficial gut bacteria that glyphosate can adversely affect.

I feel that given the increasing levels of pesticide and environmental toxin exposure, it's crucial to support the body with natural, safe detoxifiers.

Using some of these supplements helps defend against glyphosate and other toxins and offers additional long-term health benefits.


Talk soon,

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