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Recently Discovered Hormone Does Unbelievable Things

Recently Discovered Hormone Does Unbelievable Things

Hormones - they're one of the most overlooked and underestimated components of complete health.

That's why I'm always keeping my eyes open for ways to promote natural hormone balance, along with telling you how to have this for yourself. 

With that being said, I think you're really going to enjoy what you're about to see.

Back in 2012 researchers were investigating the effects of exercise on the body. The team from Harvard University was looking at muscle tissue when they discovered this hormone. 

I doubt you've ever heard of it before; it's called irisin.

When researching this hormone, researchers determined irisin might be able to help with some of the most common conditions we deal with in America, such as blood sugar fluctuation, weight gain, and poor immune health

Now their research was preliminary, and since then a few follow-up studies have been conducted about irisin's health-altering qualities.

For example, a team from the University of Florida recently concluded their research of irisin and made a notable discovery; based on their studies they concluded irisin, when released during exercise, could actually cause you to lose weight in the form of fat. In fact, it could actually stop fat from forming.

Seems too good to be true, right?

Well, you still have to exercise to promote irisin there's no magic bullet here.

So how does this work exactly?

Well as the teams from Harvard and U of F determined, irisin helps convert calorie-storing white fat cells into energy-burning brown fat.

Their research demonstrated something astounding.

After taking donated fat tissue from 28 donors the team applied irisin to the cells of the tissue.

In their observations, they saw irisin helped produce a five-fold increase in cells that contain UCP1 protein - a protein we know to be crucial to fat burning.

"Among the analyzed fat tissue samples, Dr. Yang [lead researcher] and collaborators found that irisin suppresses fat cell formation by reducing the number of mature fat cells by 20-60 percent, when compared with the control group.

This finding indicates that the irisin hormone reduces fat storage in the body by hindering the process that turns undifferentiated stem cells into fat cells, while also promoting the stem cells' differentiation into bone-forming cells, the researchers say."

That's good news for people who are active and provides even more reason for people wanting to lose weight to get out there and exercise.

At the end of the day, their discovery is no miracle...but it does illustrate why it's so important to get your hormones in line in order to experience total health.


Talk soon,

Dr. Wiggy

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