How Hidden Mold Could Be What Causes So Many Incurable Conditions
One of the reasons our practice has grown so fast over the past 8 years is because we’ve been able to help treat and reverse chronic health issues people have dealt with for ages.
We’re not successful because we’ve got super powers or anything like that (although that would be amazing, if we did).
The success we’ve had, and the lives we’ve helped change, comes from something simple:
we practice evidence-based medicine that focuses on treating the cause of health conditions.
As an example, if your memory is fading it doesn’t necessarily mean you need a prescription to fix your fading memory, it may just mean that you need supplemental pregnenolone since this hormone is essential for memory formation and declines as we age.
Or if you’ve been dealing with chronic joint pain, maybe heavy metal toxicity needs to be addressed...not drugs to be taken.
The list of issues we help treat and the causes behind them are long and various.
However, while that may be true, in recent years we’ve started to notice a common trend may be the reason some people can’t recover from chronic illnesses (like auto-immune disorders, Lyme, and Alzheimer’s disease).
Many of these conditions are the result of people dealing with hidden mold problems, which lead to mold toxicity.
In this article I want to show you:
- Why mold is a problem
- Where it comes from
- How to find out if you’re dealing with potential mold toxicity
- The best ways to heal yourself
Why Mold Is Both GOOD and BAD
I’d like to point out that while mold toxicity is a legitimate issue to contend with, mold isn’t necessarily bad.
After all, mold is what helped us discover antibiotics, and mold in grass-fed cheeses gives it intense flavor (bleu-cheese for example) and is important for establishing cultures of bacteria in the gut.
Plus, mold that grows outside, where it doesn’t interfere with your health, is by definition a good thing since it contributes to a healthy ecosystem.
But when mold inhabits the same confined spaces you do, potential for harm exists.
There are various forms of household mold that can affect the quality of your life.
Right off the bat I’m sure you thought “black mold”.
Yes, black mold is responsible for disrupting the health of thousands of people.
However, there are several other species that aren’t as well-known, but I would argue are just as destructive.
A few of the kinds of mold we see in tests include Ochratoxin, Mycophenolic Acid, and Aflatoxin.
Here’s why these kinds of mold present a distinct problem for maintaining optimal health.
If you’ll remember back to your biology class, molds reproduce by emitting microscopic spores into the air. They do this so wind currents carry their spores to new locations where they can land and colonize themselves.
Mold spores are absolutely everywhere.
And I mean everywhere.
Think about it this way.
If you purchase a bag of gluten-free bread and leave it in a bag for a few weeks it’s going to sprout mold. Even if you never open that bag.
That mold is growing on the bread only because at some point in time these unimaginably small molecules contaminated the original mix the bakers made the bread with.
Most molds lie dormant in your home and can overtake a home when the conditions are right.
If they’re alive and well in your house then their tiny spores can invade your body.
Prolonged exposure to these spores can make your body go “toxic”. And once that happens it may prevent your body from healing from pre-existing conditions, or, it could open up a portal for future health issues to settle in.
We Believe These Conditions Are Made Worse by Mold Toxicity
Two things worth noting here.
The first is the general consensus among the medical community is that mold absolutely poses a problem.
Unfortunately, mainline medical institutions believe mold exposure only results in respiratory issues.
That’s why the second important thing to realize is while you may not see the following information on the news tomorrow, the independent research we’ve conducted here at the office indicate mold plays a significant role in preventing people from fully healing from the following issues:
- Auto-immune diseases (Epstein Barr Virus)
- Lyme Disease
- Neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease)
Mold toxicity might also contribute to the formation of various forms of cancer.
Now if you’re wondering how mold can have such a dramatic effect on people and contribute to all of these dreadful conditions, it’s really quite simple.
When your body is infused with toxic mold, the presence of the mold disrupts the function of your cell’s mitochondria.
The mitochondria are the engines of your cells responsible for making one of the most critically important molecules in your body called ATP, or adenosine triphosphate.
If you were to all of a sudden have every last molecule of ATP removed from your body you’d die in 30 seconds.
That’s how important it is.
Because ATP is the source of energy for every single cellular process, when mold interferes with how the mitochondria operate, it compromises how well a person can heal.
While most with typical mitochondria function may suffer from a health-issue, they can usually recover from it when they’re given support; whether through dietary means, supplements, exercise, or other modalities.
The opposite is true for a person with toxic mold exposure. The consistent presence of the mold means their body is never given the chance to “take a breath, regroup, and fight back”.
That’s why it’s critical to be able to fight against mold.
Want To Know If You’ve Got a Mold Problem?
I wish that it was within my power to tell you if you’re dealing with mold toxicity.
The good news is there are a few tell-tale signs that may indicate a mold issue is something you’re dealing with.
The first, and most conclusive, is knowing the history of the home you live in. If your home has ever been water-damaged there’s a good chance mold is something you’re dealing with.
MoldInspectionSciences.com says this about mold growing in the home.
“Mold growth within the home is considered a bad thing when it is growing on a sustainable food source and is potentially affecting the air with "elevated" mold spores. This differs from the normal airborne mold spores we talked about earlier.
The food sources within a home are pretty numerous, and can include: drywall, wood framing, wood sub flooring, debris, contents, etc. So, what makes this a bad thing? Well, typically when conditions such as these start to occur, the proper removal of said mold is more difficult. Not only must the impacted materials be properly removed and/or cleaned, but the airborne spores in association with the mold must be addressed as well.
The proper removal of a mold problem is a very technical process, and requires the right equipment. It is not a task recommended for the average homeowner to take on.”
When it comes to symptoms of mold toxicity, the obvious inability to heal from conditions that are chronic in nature, despite your best efforts and the best efforts of a physician could be a clue.
Other symptoms include:
- Ongoing fatigue
- Headaches that don’t go away
- Chronic colds and sickness
- Respiratory complications
- Joint pain
To know for certain if you’re experiencing mold toxicity there are a few tests you can take, in addition to testing your home.
Since I don’t deal with home inspections, I’d suggest talking to a realtor about that aspect of testing.
For testing your body, I suggest either of the two tests we use in the office to evaluate mold toxicity:
1) Great Plains Laboratory - GPL Myco-Tox
2) Vibrant Labs Mycotoxin Screen
The GPL Myco-Tox is a good place to start and is a little less expensive.
The Vibrant Mycotoxin Screen is the most comprehensive mold test that we have available.
If a home inspection reveals mold there are a few options.
If it’s localized then you can repair that area of the home; whereas mold that permeates the home may require you to move. I realize that neither of those scenarios sound desirable; which is why I would advise starting with a personal test like the GPL Myco-Tox or Vibrant labs test and go from there.
This article serves to make you aware of mold toxicity. I wouldn’t consider this comprehensive in the least, and suggest heading to Amazon and getting books on the subject there.
One of the books I recommend can be found here.
Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness