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Death to Calcium???

Death to Calcium???

Is it time for us to say “death to calcium supplements”?

No, probably not.

But a sensational subject line like that ought to get your attention when we tell you there’s a sale on our calcium free bone support supplement.

That’s right, when you use the coupon code BONE1 you’ll get 15% off our supplement Calcium Free Bone Support. (expires 6/6/21).

That’s a pretty big deal as we’ve not run a coupon/discount on this product before.

While we’re happy to announce the discount, we will contend that there is a good reason for you to avoid calcium supplements in the future.

And yes, it’s because Dr. Wiggy has evidence to show that calcium supplements can actually be problematic for many individuals who’re looking to support bone health.

Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Aren’t Great For Supporting Bone Health

Calcium is an essential nutrient for bone health.

However, almost all Americans get enough calcium in their diet so they don’t really need calcium supplements.

And when they take them because they believe they’re going to get bone-health supporting benefits it can actually spell bad news.

Here’s why.

Most Americans who take a calcium supplement do so without taking in vitamin K-2, which is incredibly important for helping divert calcium into the bones.

So when people load up on calcium and are deprived of K-2 (which most people are as they don’t get sufficient amounts through diet) it may result in an excess of calcium in the blood which can increase the risk of cardiovascular issues; not to mention that it means bone health isn’t being supported.

So what can you do instead to help make sure your bones have all the support they need?

It’s actually simple.

All you need are a group of compounds that work together in tandem to help support your bones.

Since Dr. Wiggy doesn’t want anyone to needlessly take a calcium supplement (unless they really are deficient) he recommends that you get this: 

Vitamin C     225 mg     375%

Vitamin K2 MK-7     150 mcg     187%

Vitamin D3     3000 IU     750%

Strontium (citrate)     210 mg     **

Boron (citrate)     10 mg     **

Knotweed     360 mg     **

Betaine HCL     120 mg     **

Why these ingredients?

Well, we know you don’t want to spend all day reading one email… but if on the off chance you do want to do more digging you can reference these articles.

Suffice it to say we’re going to give you links to recent articles covering the function:

This Common Supplement Can Actually Be Deadly

The #1 Supplement I Tell Patients To Avoid

Ancient Japanese Secret May Change Your Life (if you’re over 50)

The point is you want to get all the other chemicals necessary for bone formation in a supplement. Doing anything else is a waste of money or potentially dangerous.

You can get Calcium Free Bone Support here.



Talk soon,

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