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How a Simple Test Might Determine If You’ve Got This Condition

How a Simple Test Might Determine If You’ve Got This Condition

Age-related memory loss is one of the most prevalent conditions  in the developed world.

It’s estimated more than 5 million Americans suffer from this debilitating condition, with as many as 1 in 11 seniors believed to be in various stages of its progression.

Here’s the good news:

Recent research has shown there are a handful of different activities as well as health habits you can maintain to help either lessen or eradicate your chances of developing the disease.

Things like eating more fruits and vegetables, consuming omega-3s (EPA/DHA), participating in brain-building exercises, creating strong social bonds, and much more have all been shown to help fight age-related memory loss.

But, what many people, scientists included, weren’t sure about was who exactly is going to succumb to this disease in the first place.

Up until now it’s pretty much been a guessing game in regards to figuring out who’s going to get the disease and who won’t.

While more research needs to be done, there is a promising discovery from  Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford, New Jersey where researchers believe they might have stumbled on a new kind of blood test which can provide an indication to whether or not you’re going to develop age-related memory loss down the road.

This is a first step towards working to keep the disease at bay for as long as possible.

Science World Report published a press release in regards to the exciting new medical development writing:

“There are significant benefits to early disease detection because we now know that many of the same conditions that lead to vascular disease are also significant risk factors for Alzheimer’s,” lead study author Dr. Robert Nagele, said in a news release. “People found to have preclinical disease can take steps to improve their vascular health, including watching their diet, exercising and managing any weight and blood pressure issues to help stave off or slow disease progression.”

The way researchers constructed the blood test was by designing the test so it would identify antibodies which targeted cellular debris.

Once found, these antibodies would serve as indicators or biomarkers the researchers could use to help predict the onset of certain medical conditions. 

Though antibodies present themselves in a unique way for each individual (and often will change based on age), the one thing a test like the one conducted above does is show how the changes in these antibodies reveal the presence or the onset of a condition/disease.

The reason the researchers are so hopeful this test will work is because, presently, there is no cure for age-related memory loss.

So to find out early on a patient is at clear risk for the disease means they now have the ability to gain the upper-hand on the disease early on, before it starts to move aggressively.  This means there’s a much better chance of lessening the impact of the disease…or in some cases, avoiding it altogether.

Here’s what Jennifer Caudle, D.O., who is an assistant professor of family medicine at Rowan University as well as one of the author’s of the study said:

“As osteopathic physicians, we constantly tell patients that a healthy lifestyle is the best medicine for preventing disease. We also know that many people tune out messages about nutrition and exercise until a health crisis gets their attention…I can’t think of a single patient who wouldn’t take steps to prevent the progression of age-related memory loss if they could directly affect their prognosis.”

It’s believed age-related memory loss is caused by persistent inflammation in the body.

That means, if you’re constantly participating in activities that cause inflammation while failing to introduce substances that combat inflammation, you might eventually succumb to age-related memory loss later in life.

All this test really will do is tell you if you’re going to get it or not.

It’ll be up to you to do all you can to fight it beforehand.


Talk soon,

Dr. Wiggy

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