3 “Normal Things” That Could Damage Your Eyes
You may not know this, but if you want your eyes to remain healthy for years to come…
And if you want to ensure that your vision, (no matter if it’s 20/20 or you wear contacts and struggle to see without them), remains as good as it is now…
Then you ought to know that there are a few normal things that millions of people deal with on a daily basis that could increase your risk of failing eyesight in the future.
If you try to tackle these issues now, then it helps to boost the chance in the future that your vision does not decline more dramatically than it’d normally decline.
Now, let’s talk about some of the risk factors that you could try to correct today to help protect how your eyes perform in the years to come.
3 Common Factors That May Contribute to Poor Vision
The thing about your eyes is they’re often treated as if they’re not a part of the rest of your body.
What we mean by that is insurance companies have separate plans for vision than general health.
There are specific doctors for vision who know very little about the rest of the body.
And most people are completely unaware that what happens in the heart and the blood could affect the health of their eyes.
So, let’s show you what you need to be aware of when it comes to eye health.
1 - Your Blood Pressure:
One of the major risk factors for death is elevated blood pressure. That risk of death is also a risk for your eye health too.
Elevated blood pressure can affect your vision because the tension on the blood vessels that supply your eyes with blood can be crimped, thus cutting off supply.
There’s also the risk that high blood pressure could put excessive pressure on your retinas (the light-collecting organ) and that could damage vision, too.
2 - Elevated Cholesterol:
As cholesterol levels being too high is a known risk factor in heart health, and your heart is needed to supply healthy supplies of blood to the eye, if you don’t get cholesterol under control it could cause you to lose your vision prematurely.
Salus University writes:
“Cholesterol is found in every cell of the body and plays an important part in digesting foods, producing hormones, and generating vitamin D. However, high levels of cholesterol can lead to serious issues including retinal vein occlusion. This occurs when cholesterol breaks off part of the blood vessel wall and causes a clot in the retina.”
3 - Bad Blood Sugar:
Dr. Wiggy has written more about the dangers of blood sugar than he has anything else.
It's a well known fact that people with diabetes run the risk of going blind, but most people aren’t aware that eating a bad diet could hurt your eyes.
Blood sugar that is not in the normal range has been directly related to the following vision problems:
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Diabetic retinopathy
Changing your diet so that it helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels is a surefire way to minimize your risk of any of these conditions developing.
There Are Many Ways to Support Your Eye Health Eye Defense Can Help
If you can change your diet and get your heart health and blood sugar in top-shape, the chances your vision will remain supported are extremely high.
The same is true with taking supplements like Eye Defense.
As you’ll see here, Eye Defense has multiple nutrients that are clinically shown to support eye health.
The results begin to take effect immediately, too.
Don’t let your eyes be unsupported.