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25 Billion Of These Want To Make You Feel Better

25 Billion Of These Want To Make You Feel Better

In all of the research done over the past several decades regarding pathways to revamping total health, I think my favorite is the one linking potato chip consumption to making you skinnier and smarter.

Oh wait, that was a dream I had. Potato chips can't (and won't) do anything to improve your health.

No, I think the research conducted on probiotics is actually some of my favorite.
It's been a while since I wrote about probiotics. 

In all my writing, I never got around to talking about the specific bacteria you can consume (through food or supplements) to improve gut health.

I think it's important you understand just what these beneficial bacteria can do for you.

Though probiotic research isn't at the top of the list for major medical research institutions to investigate (they're generally bankrolled by pharmaceutical companies), the research that has come out supporting probiotic consumption is overwhelmingly positive.

10 Bacteria I Dare You NOT To Eat

1. Lactobacillus Acidophilus: This is probably the most well-known probiotic out of all of the probiotics. According to the the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it's acceptably used for treating and preventing diarrhea, as well as being used to prevent and treat diarrhea associated with using antibiotics.

It also has been shown to be helpful with:

  • Lactose intolerance: It can help you produce lactase - the enzyme which helps breaks down the sugar (lactose) in milk
  • Fighting off bad bacteria in the gut
  • Soothing the gut
  • Boosting immune function

2. Lactobacillus Plantarum: Ever heard of kimchi, the fermented Korean cabbage dish? Well, it's rich in L. plantarum. This probiotic has been the subject of numerous studies, and the way it helps to rejuvenate your gut is by keeping bad microorganisms from flourishing.

It can also help promote the formation of a barrier on the lining of the colon which helps keep bacteria where it should be, instead of leaking outside of the colon.

3. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: L. rhamnosus is found in a wide variety of fermented food, including yogurt, cheese and fermented milks products. This powerful bacteria has been associated with a number of astounding health benefits.

Dr. Edward Group writes: 

Studies involving the Lactobacillus strain of bacteria suggest supplementation could lessen feelings of [nervousness of low mood]. Combining these probiotics with prebiotics also show significant benefits in mood health. One study suggests taking L. rhamnosus might counteract weight gain and wonky glucose metabolism, and there’s a lot of research examining the benefits as a treatment to boost gastrointestinal health.  Another study suggests a link between good bacteria and seasonal allergies, particularly with hay fever.


4. Lactobacillus Paracasei: L. paracasei is one of the more prominent probiotics included in infant formula, and is also found naturally in yogurt and fermented milk products. There's been quite a bit of research on this strain of bacteria, and what we know about it in terms of outright health benefits is quite encouraging.

It's been successfully used to help infants' bowel movements, could possibly help protect tooth enamel (as it reduces the presence of the bad bacteria in the mouth), and can even help protect against seasonal allergies and help reduce feeling tired, drained and run down.

5. Lactobacillus Salivarius: If you're looking to locate L. salivarius in your body, then you should know it's typically found in your mouth (and small intestine). Who would have known "salivarius" could mean saliva?

This powerful probiotic is believed to help with:

  • Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol balanced
  • Treating diarrhea caused by antibiotic use
  • Soothing the gut
  • Boosting immune health 
  • Improving dental health

And much more.

6. Bifidobacterium Lactis: Pronounced biff-doh-back-teer-e-um, it's a lot more complicated than it looks. This powerful strain of bacteria is actually one of the most important to consume due to its broad range of applications and effectiveness.

B. lactis is typically found in fermented foods like vegetables and dairy. Once consumed, it can help provide the following benefits:

  • Enhancing immune function by restoring the small intestine
  • Enhance metabolism of lactose more efficiently by helping produce the enzyme "lactase" 
  • Helping to ease and soothe the gut
  • Maintaining healthy bowel function

And much more!

7. Bifidobacterium Longum: Typically, this beneficial bacteria can be found in a wide range of fermented foods. Whether it's sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, or other fermented foods, it's abundant in tons of natural sources.

In terms of what it can do for you, there are quite a few claims regarding B. longum's use. One of the most exciting was a study published in Cancer Gene Therapy, which observed B. longum's use of targeting dangerous cells. This proves the bacteria might hold some therapeutic benefits for healthy cell proliferation.

Beyond that, it can help:

  • Promote normal digestion by keeping the functionality of the gut healthy
  • Treat antibiotic-formed diarrhea
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Promote effective immune function 

8. Streptococcus Thermophilus: This particular strain of bacteria is regarded by those "in the know" as one of the more effective probiotics. 

Dr. Group with the Global Healing Center raved about S. thermophilus, saying:

S. thermophilus is also used to create lactic acid, so you can find it in fermented products like yogurt. And because it breaks down lactose into the acid, it’s also often prescribed to lactose-intolerant individuals (to make it easier to digest dairy.) But it doesn’t stop there!

Not only can it boost a person’s immune system, but it can also help [protect] colon health...
There is some research that S. thermophilus may [protect] the intestinal tissues... Another study shows S. thermophilus correlates with better growth in children.  Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) is a growing issue today, and people are seeking natural methods for relief. Since antibiotics kill good bacteria and sometimes allow harmful bacteria to grow, diarrhea is often a result. Certain strains of S. thermophilus have been shown to reduce AAD. This isn’t surprising, considering that many other probiotic strains also provide similar benefits.


9. Bifidobacterium Breve: If you've ever tried kombucha, you should know many brands of the popular fermented beverage contain this powerful probiotic. After years of study and observation, we believe B. breve to be one of the more powerful beneficial bacteria.

Though more research should be done on B. breve, so far we have good reason to believe this incredible bacteria can help boost the immune system, help to alleviate occasional intestinal gas and cramping, can help fight against the dangerous bacteria E. coli, and work to overcome fungal overgrowth like Candida.

10. Lactobacillus Casei: L. casei is easily one of my favorite probiotics, mainly because it's the easiest to say. In terms of what it can do for the body, there's no way to skirt the's a powerhouse at helping you experience Health As It Ought To Be.

L. casei has some pretty promising research behind it. For instance, one study indicated it might help cause activation of NK cells. Another study indicated endurance athletes who supplemented with it had a 36% lower chance of developing colds that lasted a week or more.

Another showed it helped to reduce intestinal permeability - great news for people who want to fix leaky gut. It's able to do that and so much more.

One Huge Problem With These Probiotics (And An Easy Fix)

Every single one of these 10 probiotics can be found in your diet.

If you want to drink kefir and kombucha, and eat kraut, kimchi and more you can definitely do that to get healthier.

The problem, though, is it takes A LOT of food to help get as many organisms as you'd need to balance an unbalanced gut.

That's why probiotic supplements are so helpful. They provide you with billions and billions of these bacteria so you can help restore gut function and fight other diseases and conditions.

This is our specially formulated probiotic.  It contains 25 billion of the bacteria I listed above.

Taken daily, there's a strong likelihood it will assist with balance in the many issues relating to an under-population of healthy gut bacteria.

To get it, click here or on the picture below.

Talk soon,

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