Why Low Magnesium Levels Aren’t Normal
Ok, this isn’t normal.
Over the past 100 or so years something that’s completely abnormal has taken place in America.
And it’s creating some disturbing effects in society.
The issue is falling levels of magnesium circulating in our body.
Dr. Wiggy has written about how falling magnesium levels are the result of food-based sources of magnesium changing in how much magnesium they deliver.
More than 100 years ago, before the advent of modern agricultural techniques, our soil was rich in magnesium. Now that we harvest on the same land over and over again the magnesium levels we’d get from natural sources are beginning to fall.
And because we’re not getting enough magnesium it’s causing us to lose sleep, as well as contributing to occasional fatigue, infrequent muscle pain, and more.
That isn’t normal.
Thankfully, because we live in the 21st century, we have the ability to help reverse magnesium deficiencies.
A preferred method that patients rely on, especially for sleep and pain, is using a topical balm like our Dead Sea Magnesium Balm.
This luxurious balm rubs directly onto the skin and penetrates deep into the tissue and muscles for fast-acting relief. The infusion of magnesium directly into the skin helps promote relaxation of muscle groups that help you experience quick relief and can aid in helping you get to sleep, fast.
Why Topical Magnesium Is So Helpful For Relaxation
When we talk about magnesium helping to promote relaxation, it’s important to realize that magnesium has a physiological effect on your body’s biochemistry and that’s how it helps you relax.
One of the primary roles that magnesium has in the body is to promote the relaxation of muscle contractions.
For muscles to function properly they have to contract and release.
For instance, your heart pumps blood by contracting and releasing over and over again. And your other major muscle groups do the same thing. When you lift something with your arms your muscle groups contract to build tension so you can move it.
The heavier something is, the more rigid your muscles must remain to effectively transport the load.
On occasion, painful muscle spasms, as well as pain in the muscles, result from a lack of magnesium.
Here’s how the website Better You describes that magnesium helps prevent muscle spasms and helps to relieve occasional pain in the muscles.
“Spasms are painful muscle contractions, and one of magnesium’s functions within the body is to prevent them.
It does this by encouraging the body to absorb calcium—another abundant mineral essential to good health—and prevent muscles and soft tissues from calcifying (hardening due to excess calcium).
Inside the body, calcium and magnesium are in competition, binding with the same proteins within your muscles. A build-up of calcium causes muscles to over-contract, leading to spasms or twitches.
Magnesium regulates those contractions and allows the muscles to relax. This is why some health professionals advise increasing intake to alleviate and prevent spasms.”
In fact, that’s the precise reason Dr. Wiggy recommends a topical balm like our “Magnesium Body Balm”.
When you use a topical product like this the affected muscle groups drink up the magnesium for fast-acting relief.
The same result cannot be achieved by oral supplementation as your body won’t target your areas of soreness the same way the direct application will.
And if you’re wondering how topical magnesium helps with sleep, take a look at this.
Topical Magnesium Helps You Sleep Better In This Unique Way
In the same way that topical magnesium will help relax sore muscle groups, it can also aid in sleep.
The mechanism for this is twofold.
Many people go to sleep and hold quite a bit of tension in their muscles as they head to bed. An application of magnesium balm before bed can help to relax your muscles so you can relax into your bed and rest.
In addition to relaxing muscles, when magnesium is absorbed into the body transdermally or orally, magnesium will enter into the bloodstream and then make its way throughout the body, and especially into the brain, where it will help to regulate neurotransmitters and hormones that are essential for sleep.
As a registered dietician, Kerria Ann Jennings writes: “[Magnesium] regulates the hormone melatonin, which guides sleep-wake cycles in your body.
Second, this mineral binds to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. GABA is the neurotransmitter responsible for quieting down nerve activity.”
These are the preferred ways of helping a person fall asleep as they are both natural and effective.
You Need Magnesium, And It Works
You need magnesium, there’s no other way to put it.
And if you struggle with getting consistent sleep and/or you deal with sore muscles on occasion, then using our topical balm is going to be a lifesaver.
AND, be sure to read all the reviews to see how others are using it to feel great!